Sunday, October 04, 2009

Survivor19 Episode3

The next morning after the previous tribal council Mick and Jaison already start talking about if they lose another challenge. They want to get Rid of Ben because he is mean, useless around camp ,and annoying. He happens to be one of the only ones that can start a fire though. Russell tries to talk to Natalie about where her head is in the game, and she says she doesn't know. Russell comments. “This might be the worst group in history, and I might be the best. I’m gonna have them all under control like zombies walking around.” And he is kind of right. The tribe just isn't keeping it together.Russell also tells Ben that Ashley was gunning for him last time. This freaks Ben out and he goes after Ashley. Ashley gets upset, and talks to Natalie about it.
At Galu, they are relaxing and doing yoga. Shambo is upset with it ,and keeps commenting that they are like 90210. Its annoying. I hope when they lose she is the first to go.
Another reward/immunity challenge which makes me angry. I like seeing different challenges and usually by the third week they have them. In this one, thy have to swim out and get crates. They have to get through a battle zone, where the other tribe is. Once they bring it to the ma the next two will go. Once they get all four crates, they have to solve a simple puzzle. Galu has to sit out Shambo,Yasmin,Erik ,and Brett. Foa Foa also sits out Russell. Galu ends up winning, and gets immunity, and they get a choice of comfort, or function. The comfort, is pillows,blanket,s towels. The Function is a tarp,pots, and more fishing gear. For the strangest reason Russell(the leader) picks comfort. The guys are ticked but the girls are happy. He also picks Shambo to go over to the other tribe until tribal council.
Over at Foa Foa, Shambo just loves it there. Everyone loves her, and she wishes she were on this tribe. If she was i'm sure she would ave been voted off already. She goes looking for the hidden immunity idol. She searches in the right spot, but of course Russell already has it. Russel and Liz want to get Ashley out, while Ashley and Jaison want to get Ben out.
At tribal it becomes heated once again between Jaison and Ben. In the end Ben gets unanimously voted out. At this point they need the strength and it probably would have been better to vote out Ashley, but hopefully they are a happier tribe now that Ben is gone.



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