Monday, September 14, 2009

Gossip Girl Season 3 Reversals of fortune

Gossip Girl: Welcome back Upper East Siders. After a long hot summer away, I see it didn't take you long to dirty up the clean slates I gave you. My inbox is overflowing, so let's get to the good stuff, shall we?-Rufus,Dan, Jenny and Eric have spent the summer in the Hampton's. Lily is off helping with her mother who is sick.Jenny and Eric are like best friends and have also been helping hide what Serena has been up to all summer from Rufus and Dan. Dan is enjoying being rich but doesn't think it is changing him ,but i see it.
-Serena had been trying to meet her father, who doesn't want to see her. So she decides that she needs him to notice and causes scenes in Europe all summer. When Rufus finds out about the topless photos, and the drinking shots, he tries to help her, as does Dan, but she brushes them aside saying nothing is wrong. This guy Conner shows up and she tells Dan that he is stalking her.
-Blair and Chuck to keep their relationship exciting have resulted to role playing. Chuck picks up a girl that they pick out, and then right before anything happens Blair comes and bitches out the girl. Its all fun and games for them, until Blair starts to get jealous.She wants to stop, but he doesn't really.
-Nate has been hooking up with this chick he doesn't know and in the end it turns out to be a family rival. He likes this girl Bree Buckley and Chuck encourages him to just go for it and forget about his family. He invites her to the polo match.
-Vanessa spent part of the summer with Nate but then came back and has been spending a lot of time with Scott. (who we all know to be the lost love child of Lily and Rufus) He seems eager to meet Dan and is kind of flirty with Vanessa. Vanessa is upset about Dan changing because he has money now, and Scott tells her just to talk to him at the polo match. She agrees and Scott goes along with her.
At the Polo Match!
-Nate introduces Bree to his grandfather who doesn't seem to happy but in the end surprises Nate by accepting it. Bree wants it to be a secret relationship because she doesn't want to rebel from her family anymore. The grandfather then calls Tripp and says he may have found a way to "get" the Buckleys.
-Vanessa tries to go and talk to Dan but he is pulled away by Blair ,who Dan asked to help in the Carter situation. She got a restraining order against him for herself. She says she will be right beside Serena and then he can't be there. Serena has other plans and steals a horse leaving everyone confused, and what is going on with her. Carter steals one as well and chases after her. They hook up in the trees after Carter comforts her.
-While Vanessa was trying to talk to Dan Scott talks to his biological father Rufus. He doesn't tell him who he is, just that he is a friend of Vanessa's and a huge fan of his music. After the whole Serena thing Vanessa blows up on Dan saying he is changing and all that. Blair also realizes Chuck is gone ,and assumes he hooked up with a woman that was looking at him earlier.
Back in the big City Blair finds Chuck in bed, but Chuck says he just had a headache and decided to go home. They decide no more games ,and he tells her he just wants her to be happy. Its sweet. Vanessa and Scott kiss. Rufus buys every paparazzi picture of Serena except from this one guy. Serena has hired this guy so Rufus probably won't find him, or be able to buy the pictures. Serena is making sure that all the pictures of her on the horse are getting out so her dad will see them.
Favourite moment of the Episode:
Chuck Bass: We could never be boring.
Blair Waldorf: You say that, but I know you. You're Chuck Bass.
Chuck Bass: I'm not Chuck Bass without you.



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