Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Heroes: The eclipse;part 2

Sandra(Claires mother) has to bring Claire to the hospital because she is dieing. The doctors tell her that either Claire has never been sick in her whole life, or her mother is lying about it. While Claires father should be there, instead he is off trying to get revenge. He basically interrupts Elle and Sylar right after they hooked up. Elle gets shot, but manages to get away for a bit. He ends up finding Sylar and slitting his throat.
Nathan is still trapped but the Haitan and Peter come to the rescue, ad also save two girls. Peter tries to be a hero but basically They save him, and the haitan kills his brother.
Nathan flies away thinking what his dad is doing might not be such a bad idea. Peter has to find his own way home.
Mohinder can’t find a way to give them their abilities back. He ends up beating up Flint and going to fins Maya.
At the comic book store, the two guys that work there and Ando and Hiro are trying to find answers. Hiro has a tantrum and decides he doesn’t want to grow up. Seth green(comic boy worker) convinces Hiro that he needs to come out and try to save the world. Hiro goes off to save the cheerleader, forgetting Ando. Claire ends up dieing, but when the eclipse ends her body heels itself. She comes back to life. When her dad comes to see her at home, she tells him that he should have been there. Sylar however also dies, and comes back to life and is at Claires house. He starts to kill h.r.g. but Hiro appears and drops Elle and Sylar off somewhere else in the world, and takes Claire. He takse her to the day that she was given to h.r.g./ her father. Basically they both see themselves at a very young age, since Hiro was there that day aswell. Mohinder knocks on Mayas door , but then notices his powers are coming back and runs off. He goes back to Pinehearst. Arthur tells him that they will find a cure, but that he needs to deal with monster within himself, reffuring to the guy (Flint) he knocked out earlier to get away. Sylar and Elle end up on a beach. They get to talking and Sylar relizes that he isn’t going to change, and starts killing Elle!!


So You Think You Can Dance Canada Top 4!!!

I really enjoyed this season. This is the first season for Canada and i thought it was just as good as the American version. The judges are great, and maybe even better then some of the American judges. I totally fell in love with Nico from the very beginning, and at this point i want him to win so much!
To start the show off, we get a group performance from the four finalists. Its actually a pretty cool routine. Its a little twisted / broken puppetish. I must say the red suit does nothing for the guys, but the girls look hot.
Next we have Natalie, and Nico. They are doing a salsa routine.Nicco does some cool sound effects during the intro video. The routine is alright. I basically watched Nicco the whole time, and he seemed t obe having fun. It almost was a little corny, but it was alright.
Allie has her solo.It was sweet. I love the song. If a girl is to win, i hope its her!The adorable Miles is next. Sometimes he is so sweet and adorable, and then he is hot and sexy! His solo is just a lot of popping, which is cool. Next we have Miles and Natalie doing a hiphop routine. Miles does a really good job, but at one point he forgets the steps. Natalie looks a little to white for it all. Their timing is off but i dont think it matters to much at this point. At the end Miles basically is fighting off tears while the juges talk because he is so upset. Allie, and Nico are next and i was really excited for this performance. I also love contemporary so i knew it was going to be great. It was really beautiful. It pretty much brought tears to my eyes. I hadn't heard that song before but it was really sweet.

Natalies solo was ok.. I never really liked Salsa or yeah..Nico had an awesome solo. It was so cool. I love his confidence, i love his style, i just love him. Honestly i think he has this show won. He is just so humble, and am amazing dancer.

Allie, and Miles get to dance together and do a theatre piece. Its a fun little dance.

So Allie and Natalie get to do a performance together. Its a go-go performance. whatever that means.. I actually didn't like it. I found the music really annoying, and the timing was off. The best part was the ending.
Nico and Miles did anawesome job with this routine. They like danced/fought. It looked super hard, but it was an awesome job well done.
Basically i'd be shocked if Nico doesn't win. Miles and Allie i think are pretty much tied for second place. I give Miles a little bit of an edge though...Nattali, is definetly the fourth place contender.


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Gossip Girl: Its a wonderful lie

Basically i hated this episode. Here is various reasons why:

Nate tells Jenny she is immature and goes of with Vanessa. I like Vanessa, just not with Nate. I don't really like Nate so i could care less what he does, i just find him so annoying. He jumps back and fourth between those two.

Rufus and Lily are connecting again, but then she gets a call that Mr. Bass was in an accident. Plus we find out that there is a secret about Lily and who the heck knows what it is. From the preview of next week i think Chuck knows. Its rumored that it is a love child between the two...
Blair and Chuck argue back and fourth but the chemistry seemed a little weird this episode. The end was the only time i really beleived that Chuck felt something sincere.
Serena and Dan just don't go anywhere, except they relize that the best moment of their life was the night they had sex. I dunno this episode was just annoying to me. I am such a Jenny fan , and nothing went right for her. I don't really like Nate, but i want Jenny to have someone!

And the guy that Serena is with, is so creepy!! I hate him.. i just wish he would go away. She looked so pretty this episode and then you saw him, and ugh..

Blair: What do we have, Chuck?

Chuck: Tonight. So shut up. And dance with me.
