Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Melrose Place,Pilot episode

Well,well well.... I wasn't going to watch this show at all, but i figured i would check out the pilot episode just in case. Of course that was a mistake because now im probably totally hooked. Anyways s oi'm gonig to get right down to it.
The show started off a little slow, not really to interesting. A crazy woman named Sydney basically black mailing this guy, David to stay the night with her. Apparently he has some "bad things" in his past. It briefly shows the others characters. We get to meet the super cute adorable couple Riley and Jonah. They have been together for five wonderful years. He makes this cute video and then proposes to her. She says she needs time to think about it. Um Hello!!! He is an amazing guy and any second thoughts you have is totally you being an idiot! I just couldn't believe how she could say no to that proposal. Anyways, i forgot the main thing that happened was right after he proposed before she could say anything we hear a scream. Everyone comes running out and its Ashlee Simpson-Wentz/Violet who finds Sydney dead in the pool. I actuually laughed at this point because i was so thankful Sydney died as she was beyond annoying in the maybe two minutes she was on screen.
Anyways David is put in the interrigation room but is quickly bailed out by Ella, who quickly becomes my favourite character. She is witty, bitchy, hot, and hilarious all at the same time. She lied to the police and told them that David was with her all night. As they are walking out ,Davids dad shows up. Apparently the Father was sleeping with Sydney ,and Sydney slept with David to get back at the father. I don't know at that point its just a lot of bad acting so i kind of tuned out.
We get to learn more about Lauren, who is in school to become a doctor. She fings out her dad lost his job and she has to pay for her next years tuition. She doesn't know what to do, meanwhile a patients son asks her out on a date. She isn't gonig to go , but then decides to anyways. The date goes well ,till he asks her to go back to his hotel roon for dessert. She says never on a first date, but he says he is going back to NewYork and taking his mother with him, so he won't ever be back .She still declines and then he offers her five thousand dollars. He apparently saw that she was broke, she gest disgusted and leaves. Back at her apartment she runs into Violet, who she tells about her date. Violet says is sucks, because she didn't get the man, or the money.
Ella is a publicist and has to go to this directors daughters birthday where Jonah is filming the birthday party. Jonah wants to make films and apparently is very good. Ella tells him to show it to the director. We also discover that Ella hooks up with anyone, but secretly she is in love with Jonah. Jonah totally doesn't have a clue. Anyways ,so Jonah gives the short film to the director and he doesn't want it. However, Jonah catches the Director with his daughters best friend on camera. He then offers him a ton of money. At home Jonah tells Riley this and gets kind of mad that she hasn't answered him.He tells her he didn't accept the money ,which i guess to Riley it proves he has grown up , and she says "I do" a couple of times. Its kind of cute, but i still don't like her. In the last few moments of the show they all have this little memorial to Sydney. Jonah and Riley also announce their engagement, Ella looks upset. We see Violet asking to go for coffee with Auggie, and he says next time he is just going to go to bed, instead he drives to under this bridge and burns some bloody clothes. Voilet steals a picture of Sydney. David is stealing big expensive paintings. Ella is randomly hooking up with some girl, and i think the cop that was interrigating David was watching her at the bar. I could be wrong about that. Jonah and Riley are all happy and in love. Lauren realizing she really needs the money goes to meet up with that guy in his hotel for money!



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