Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Degrassi;Season 10, What a Girl Wants & Breakaway

What a Girl WantsBold
So much happens in the first week back at Degrassi. The major storyline has to do with Fiona. She and Declan are in New York still, and everything seems to be going well.Fiona even has her very first boyfriend Bobby,who seems perfect. However when little disagreements happen, we start to see his mean side. He ends up hitting her in the face and she gets a black eye, which of course she covers up. When she tries to talk about it everyone kind of thinks she is just causing drama. However, Bobby ends up pushing her down the stairs and thats where she draws the line. She wants to get him back and creates a bruise on her face. Still noone really believes her, so she runs away to Canada because she knows that Holly J will be there for her.
Meanwhile Holly J comes back to Degrassi, ready to be president again ,except Sav wants to run aswell. She tries to convince him not to, but then comes to the conclusion she might actually lose. She turns to Anya for help. Somehow they decide that Anya faking a pregnancy to get Sav to drop out is a great plan. It backfires when Anya starts feeling bad about it, and also loving the attention Sav is giving her. With Anya by his side it makes him want to even more. Anya ends up telling him the truth and instead of him being furious, he basically forgives her.
Dave is also running for "grade rep" and wants to impress Ali. However when he makes a hot girl list there ends up being a mistake and Ali ends up being #42 instead of #1. She is furious and makes a loser list making Dave #1. In the end of their little fight, he ends up being really sweet and saying he really thinks she is the hottest. She gives him a little friendship kiss. Its a very cute highschool story line.
So Fiona is visiting Holly J, and trying to encourage her to keep trying to win Student president. A debate is coming up and Sav feels super confident even with the baby news. During the debate he even uses the upcoming baby to help him. Holly J tried but Sav ends up winning.

Fiona's mother ends up showing up, and the truth comes out about Bobby. She wants to press charges and lets Fiona stay in Toronto. However, as she starts to get comfortable and as Holly J's Yale future is crumbling. Holly J takes a peek at Fiona's online banking and steals $2000 to enroll in a SAT prep course. Fiona finds out and although she has reservations about Holly J they make up anyways.
The whole school still thinks Anya is pregnant, so Anya tells them she had a miscarriage. Anya ends up dumping Sav once again saying that they are bad for eachother, and until Sav stands up to his parents it will never work.
Meanwhile Clare is talking with Ali about getting eye surgery, and stupid Jenna overhears that she is getting surgery and thinks she is talking about getting a boob job. Jenna goes and tells practically everyone. She also hints to Clare that it is a very bad idea. Clare thinks she is being ridiculous because she is just getting laser eye surgery. The next day Clare finds out what everyone has actually been thinking she is getting surgery for. Clare confronts Jenna making her look like an idiot for even thinking it. Its fantastic!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Degrassi - Season 10 Promo (REAL, LEGIT)

I have no words. After watching this promo, monday will not come soon enough. Finally Degrassi is going where it should have gone years ago. The only fault with it is that i didn't seeing Jonny Demarco which is sad. However, i am soooo excited for this new season!!!
