Sunday, February 10, 2008

SURVIVOR;Fans vs. Favourites,Episode 1

As Survivor starts we see one tribe of Fans in a canoe. They apparently are the Ultimate Survivor Fans.(I think I am one of those but whatever)So the favourites come out one by one, and get cheers and excited laughs. The favourites are: Jonny fairplay;Pearl Islands, Amy & Eliza;Vanauatu,Cirie;Panama Exile island, Jonathan,Ozzy & Pavarti;Cook islands, Yauman; Fiji, and James & Amanda from China.(great cast but i would have liked to see Michelle,Ian,bobbyjon and Stephanie) Joel is season, the from the fans tribe comments on James: "When I saw James coming around the corner I got excited because he is, up until this season,the biggest and strongest that has ever played the game. I think I can take him.” (haha I doubt it)Jonny Fairplay got booed and he was wearing this hat that said “Will Lie for Food”

So they get their tribe names and buffs The fans are “Airai” the Favs are “Malakal” Then Jeff announces that they have to swim to the other side were their canoes are, and also there is 2 immunity idols for the first council for a member of each tribe. Jonny fairplay finds the other teams idol, and grabs for his tribes, but Yau-man hits into Jonny and comes up with the idol. Jonny or Yauman then tell Kathy where the other one is and she gets it. (I wanted Jonny to get it)
FANS TRIBE,Airai: They start to put a shelter together, looking like they have done it before, but it is harder then expected. Kathy, we learn is very outspoken, and asks Chet, “ I hope you can be my first gay man friend, Because I've never had a gay man friend!" She also asks Tracey about her breast implants. (uh awkward) THE FAVOURITES, Malakal: They start off really well together, they build a shelter very quickly. Yauman using his glasses starts a fire right away. Eventually everyone starts noticing the little groups. Pavarti is endlessly flirty with James. (I was sooo jealous) Amanda and Ozzy are together. Quickly Ami and Eliza, form a group with Jonathan, and Yauman.
At the immunity challenge the fans take the lead and keep it until the end were they end up winning and they also get flint.. The favourites are choked.. (The funny part of the challenge was when they were pushing the cart down this hill and it got stuck and Eliza went flying out. She looked really hurt!) Back at camp, the alliance of Jonathan, Eliza, Ami, and Yau-man, want to target Pavarti, or Ozzy. They want to get Johnny on their side. Also The two couples want to take out Eliza, and want Johnny Fairplay on their side too! However, Johnny Fairplay has plans of his own, he really just wants to go home to his pregnant gf.No one knows if he is serious, but at tribal he makes his position clear, and they all vote to evict the one and only Jonny Fairplay. He hugs Jeff on the way out, and in his confessional he says he wanted to go out on his own terms, and that hopefully everyone saw the other side of him… ( I really wanted him to last longer, i think he is a great character, but i do think it is kind of cool that he went out like that)
