Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Heroes Chapter13 "The Fix"

The key points of tonights episode:

  • Hiro and Ando are getting chased my these guys in a van, and at one point Ando gets caught, and Hiro goes back for him, its so cute, but at the very end we find out it was Hiro's father who had hired these men to get them.
  • Claire needs help and hangs chimes out her window, and that is a call for the Haitan man to come. He tells her that her mther died in a fire. Claire and Zach dig into her past and discover that her mother, and her aswell, were supose to have died in a fire. Claire then calls all the people with the same last name as her mother, and finally reaches a lady, who is "actually" her mother(her mother happens to be a fire starter) The whole time Claire his tricking her dad, to make himthink that Zach and she are working on a biology project.
  • At the end of the episode, we hear that Sylar is dead, and Mr Benet goes to look at the body, and Sylar really isn't dead and wakes up.
  • Micah is having trouble without his mother, and so is D.L. Dl, goes and visits Niki in the place she is locked up in(he goes through the wall)She tells him to take care of Micah etc. Then she goes and decides she needs to try to solve her problem and talks to a shrink. Meanwhile Micah is stealing money from Atms with his power. At the end, he tells his dad that he has a secret just like mom and dad.
  • Matt, has to write a report about what happened with the Sylar stuff and ends up lying and said they broke into the building on a hunch. He ends up getting suspended for six weeks. At home he finds out his wife is pregnant.
  • Mohinder and Nathan search together to try and find peter and try to help him.He however, was trying to get the invisible man to help him, which he doesn't want, to, but finally when Nathan, and Mohinder find him, the invisible man helps him out.

Basically that is what happened this episode. next week looks super exciting, and i can't wait to find out what happens with Claire and her mother, and especially Sylar,and even Peter! Super excting!oh.. andi can't forget about Hiro and his father!


Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So this is my first post about the tv show Heroes. I have watched this show since it started and i love it. The whole character study of it, its just like "Lost", where we get to know a character, what makes them who they are. Anyways,, for now i'm just going to do a little recap/my opinions of each of the characters.

  • ISAAC MENDEZ : He is what is drving a lot of these people. He is a drug addict/ a recovering one. When he was on drugs he is able to paint the future. When the heroes see these paintings either they try to prevent it all from happening or they go looking for the danger. He also wrote a comic book which is about Hiro and Ando.In the last episode he somehow was clean, and he didn't really remember it, it also seems he might be able to paint the future still.. we will see..
  • HIRO NAKAMURA : He is probably the funniest character. He was once in Japan, and then all of a sudden at work he realized he could stop time, and go back in time. He ad his friend Ando go on mission after mission.He knows that he is a hero, and needs to help save the world along with the others. He is basically linkedto everyone, and has gone back and fourth in time. I bet there is a lot more to come with this character. Currently he is in search of a sword..
  • SIMONE DEVEAUX :not to sure what part she has in this all...She used to be with Isaac and was sorta with Peter, and she knows a lot of people.. i dunno we will prolly see more from her very soon.
  • CLAIRE BENNET: She is probably one of the most interesting characters. She can heal herself, and has been filming it with her friend Zach. Anyways, so she used to be a popular cheerleader and her best friend was the head cheerleader. She ends up going out with a football guy who ends up trying to rape her, and actually kills her, but not really since she can heal herself. However she wakes up in the morgue, and has to escape. She ends up crashing the guys car with him in it. She tells her father and he gets The Haiten to wipe the boys entire memory. At homecoming, Peter Petrelli shows up because he is supose to "save the cheerleader"He thinks it is te head cheerleader, and she ends up dying infront of Claire and Peter. Then he realizes that it was her, and thats when they sorta click.
  • MICAH SANDERS : Is the child of Niki, and D.L. He is super smart and has some sort of power which hsa to do with electrical stuff. He knows his mother has 2 personalities, and just wants to be one big happy family. He is always trying to convince one parent or the other to give the other a chance.
  • NIKI SANDERS : Has 2 personalities, her normal one niki, and the evil, super strength one Jessica. Jessica really wants to protect her son, even if that means killing people including D.L. Niki ends up realizing what she is doing, or rather Jessica is, and turns herself in to the police. Currently she is locked up, and keeps having random attacks, and if she is found guilty on her murders, she could get the death penalty.
  • D.L HAWKINS: He is married to Niki, and is the father of Micah, and he can reach through objects of anykind. He ended up in jail about 6 months before the shows timeline started where of course he escaped. He claimed he was innocent and then found out it was actually Niki/Jessica who framed him and stole the money. Jessica ends up trying to kill him a bunch of times, he narrowly escapes. Currently he is looking after Micah.
  • MATT PARKMAN : Is a police officer who can read peoples minds. He ends up finding a little girl who Sylar was tryingto kill, and the FBI wants him to work with them. Him and his wife have many problems, and at one point he finds out she cheated on him with one of his police buddies. He ends up collapsing on a bar floor, due to The Haitian and Mr. Bennet. They try to figure out the power he has and how strong it is etc. He ends up being away from his wife for a few days. Anyways, he ends up messing up at one point at his reading minds, well is pretty much just tricked, and the fbi doesn't want him. He goes home to his wife and tells her about the power he has.
  • MOHINDER SURESH : Is a proffessor, and is currently tring to find out about his fathers mysterious,sudden death. His father did research in genetics, and has a special list of those with poweres. His father had problems with a guy Sylar and so he tries to find him, with no luck. He ends up stuggling with the idea of going back to his life or finding out whats going on. He ends up deciding to warn these people about Sylar, and tell the people who they are. In the last episode Mr. Bennet shows up ad wants "the list" which he does not give up.
  • NATHAN PETRELLI : Is running for Congress, and he can also fly. He is a mixed man really. His wife is in a wheelchair, because a car hit them, and Nathan ended up flying out, while his wife got hurt. He doesn't like his power and just wants a normal life. At one point he sleeps with "Jessica" and its filmed, and is also stolen by the Haitian.
  • PETER PETRELLI: When we first meet him, he thinks he can fly he ends up not being able to because his brother saves him, however he then realizes he can. Of course he is a special hero cuz he can take on the powers of the other heros. He gets an idea that he needsto savethe cheerleader, and thus meets Claire. He almost dies with her but heals himself at that moment cuz he was with her and took her power. In the last episode, he took on a part of the invisible man(a new character) He also has had dreams that he is the big explosion that happens....
  • Mr. BENNET: Is Claires adoptive father, who is supose to work at a paper company. However, he and some others travel the world trying to find all the people that have these super hero powers. He works with The Haitan, who swipes peoples memories, including his own son, Claires friend Zach, and a bunch of the other heroes. (The Haitan was supose to wipe out Claries, but he did not) He also works with a girl named Eden who was "spying" on Mohinder to find out information about what his father was researching and "The List".

So far that is the main cast..there are few more characters who i'm sure we will find out more about later...but for now thats what i know, i can't wait to recap the next episode of this wonderful new show!!


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Beauty & the Geek Episodes 2&3

So..i have already missed episodes of shows...sad.. anyways episode 2 was really, really good. Episode 2:
The boys had an "apreciating women" challenge.They had to draw a naked women that was infront of them, but what the challenge really was, was listening to what the naked women was saying. Only Mario caught on to the trick, and won his challenge. Some of the guys had some pretty messed up pictures.

The girls challenge was astronomics, and they had to give a tour in a museum. I thought it was a little bit diffivult myself but Nadia somehow managed to pull it off.

So with Nadia and Mario both winning the challenge they had to pick 2 teams. In the house their was a clique thing going on with the blondes against the brunettes. So Naturally both brunettes were put up. So Paio and Sheree were eliminated but not before Andrea said that those 2 were the best....

So with a lot more tension between the girls the next challnge was even more crucial. So the first part is the geeks doing, they have to "pimp" themselves up. So the ladies give them some advice and then they are shoved into a store on their own.I felt bad 4 mario cuz he was having trouble finding clothes that fit him properly.

The second part was a live auction, and the bois were the meat!And Neils and Jennylee win! I thought Nate, or Scooter would win, since they looked the best. I mean come on, Nate is actually hot!, well he was hot with the beard, but still, i would have gave him my money.
So, obvouisly the team picks Andrea and Matt, but Jennylee and Neils have a huge fight cuz Jennylee has a crush on Nate and doesn't want him to go, but Neils wants to pick them. In the end Neils does what he thinks is right and through a crying speech he picks his bestfriend Nate, and his partner Cecile.

It doesn't matter because in the end, Nate and Cecile end up victorious. I think that Andrea threw the competition...cuz of all the stuff going out in the house.


Sunday, January 07, 2007

BEAUTY & THE GEEK; Episode 1

^^^Click ^^^

I love this show, it may be corny and sterotypical, but its so entertaining. Anyways i missed the first half of the show ,but i did see the part where the host was offereing the teams money if they dropped out of the game, and noone took it.
In the second half of the premire, the boys had to a stand-up comedy routine. Nate was super funny talking about allergies and being allergic to sharks and tigers ,then a tiger shark,,you had to see it lol. Mario i'm pretty sure came in second he was really funny too.
At the girls challenge they had to do an interview with the author of the book they were given. & Sheree wins this challenge.
So Erin/Drew and Tori/Sanjay were chosen for the elimination. Erin and Drew won, and so Tori and Sanjay went home.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

tv 2007

Well, its a brand new year, and maybe this time i'll keep up with my tv shows..lol..Here is the shows i'll be watching and writing about this time around

So far the list:
  • American Idol
  • Beauty & the Geek
  • Canadian Idol
  • Degrassi
  • E.R
  • Lost
  • The Amazing Race Allstars
  • The O.C


& Congrats to YUl,Ozzy,Becky and Sundra for dominating Survivor!!

& Congrats to the boys Tyler & James for winning The Amazing Race!
