Friday, May 05, 2006


This has been a great season so far. There are only 4 people left after this episode.

Danielle: She has been my favourite. She pretty much always takes the best pictures. This week, she was sick, and she still took the best pic.
Joanie: I like her.However i don't think she is going to win. She is to different looking.
Jade: Well she is annoying as heck. But she took a really good picture last week.
Sara: I love her, but i don't think she has what it takes to be a model yet.YET! This weeks picture was amazing though!
Furonda: Got kicked out. She was kinda crazy Her last picture wasn't bad though.


Thursday, May 04, 2006


WTF???? I am so confused when it comes to this show. Everything was going good. Micheal was back,Hurley and Libby were making the cutest couple ever. People were really adapting to life on the island, and then Wham!!! Micheal shoots Anna lucia..and the Libby(cuz she was in the wrong spot, and the wrong time)Then he goes to where the "other" was being held, and shoots himself. yeah What!? Why did Micheal have to be the crazy person that kills off assumely 2 people. *I'm hoping that Libby isn't dead* This just brings up so many more questions...
This show i love, but its killing me! lol. So yeah next week is going to be interseting to say the least.. i wonder who is going to find this scene. I hope its not anyoe i like that finds them...
