Sunday, January 11, 2015

Gotham: Asylum Seekers

Winter premire of Gotham season 1!

Well another show has got me hooked. And thankfully it's not a canceled one. So the first half of the season so much happened and we got to meet do many great characters. I know it's not mathing the comic books but I think it's so interesting the way they are doing it.
 TV Monday: Who trusts that doc on Gotham?
Basically Detective Jim Gordon has been all over the map already and now after being forced to leave the police he is working at the Arkham insane asylum. There of course he stumbles upon a case of a crazy doing experiments on the patients. Every time he has an idea of who it is it turns out t be someone else. Sadly a few people die and the crazy doctor in the end gets away basically telling Gordon he will see him again.

So Fish Mooney is really wanting people to die. She wants to take over! She discusses it with the other guy who could possibly takeover Saviano, and he basically turns down the idea. He happens to be trying to work with her henchmen Butch. It looks like Butch might be starting to take his side. They meet at the waterfront and talk about when they were children because I guess they knew each other. Butch confesses to him that once when they robbed a meat truck he gave Saviano the crappy meat. This little metaphor means so much and Saviano never realises it. Butch shoots him the head. I guess we know where his loyalty lies...for now.
Penguin gets put in jail by his boss Maroni which totally pisses him off. He put him there for getting to greedy with the fishermen and trying to tax them. He comes to get him out but the Penguin will get his revenge!

Also happening in a much smaller plot Cat is helping out Ivy who looked about ready to die in the  cold. They break into Gordons apartment to live there for a bit. Barbara is still hooking up with that detective which pisses me off. What a dumb storyline. Who ever wrote that was dumb. Anyways they break up and of course when Barbara calls Gordon, Ivy pretends to be another women. I hate it. Why wouldn't she have called his cell. Who has telephones these days? Bruce and Alford weren't in the episode but I'm sure they will be in the next.
It was a good opening number and I like seeing the Arkham asylum... I'm sure a lot of info can be found from those patients. Till next week!

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

The Bachelor 2015

It's been a long time but I'm finally going to start blogging again. I mean I love sharing my opinions about all the awesome tv shows! Anyways so here we go again!!
 This season we are introduced to Chris Soules again.  I didn't watch last season of The Bachelorette so I don't know anything about him. His intro seems pretty decent and it makes him look like a good country boy. Is there really such a thing though? This first episode is really long with the intro and red carpet stuff. I did love seeing Catherine and Sean again. They are so of adorable. I follow her on instagam and omg they are awesome.
So I'm simply just going to rank the girls from best to worst to make it simple!
1.Britt- she clearly hit it off with him. I like her a punk.  A little different and really pretty. First kiss, first rose..looks promising!
2.Whitney- She seems really sweet and an overall nice person. The conversation was a little awkward but she is cute and I think has a lot of love to give!
3.Alyssa- She is really cute... nice personality.
4.KaitLynn- I like her because she is different. Forward and memorable.  She is really pretty too.
5.Samantha- gorgeous!! She might be a little too good looking for him. Her hair is amazing!
6.Tandra-I like her style. Coolness. Motorcycle was cool too.
7.Jordan- she is really cool. Too cool for him maybe. I kind of liked the shot idea.
8.Carly- pretty darn cute! I loved her dress.
9.Jade- pretty. Heard she has done playboy..I assume she uses this to her advantage.
10.Tracy- kindergarten teachers are always so cute! She is really sweet.
11.Jillian-she is really pretty but she mighe be a little too much to handle.
12.Mackenzie-She has really bad hair and a terrible dress but I see something in her lol. Her little boy is super cute which basically gets her this 11th spot.
13.Ashley I- she is pretty but a little dumb and very bitchy.  But I kind of like that.
14.Becca- pretty. Liked her dress
15.Juelia-she seems nice. Down to earth maybe.
16.Trina- She looks a little crazy..But maybe she will change.
17.Megan- she doesn't seem very smart but that could change.
18.AshleY S- one of the crazy eyes made it in. She was so shocked to get through...or she was just drunk.
19.Amber- I don't really remember her for some boring.
20.Nikki- another girl I don't remember..Im sure she was pretty though.
21.Tara- well I'm super surprised she made it. I mean glad she got a second chance but what's the point?
22.Kelsey- I know she is a widow but I just find her boring. I feel bad putting her after Tara though..
And the rest were eliminated... well except maybe Kimberly who comes back into the house demanding a secong chance im guessing.
Till next week!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Bachelorette Ep.3

Chris gets the individual date card first. I really don't think he is super good looking, but Emily is smitten with his looks. I would be kind of scared if it started storming and i was climbing a building. I think its a little ridiculous that he wants to kiss her already. He could at least wait till the end of the date. The date seemed to go really well. They seem to have the most chemistry so far. The music definetly seemed to set the modd aswell.  
The group date was interesting.They got to meet four of Emily's friends.The got to ask them some questions. Is Travis still carrying the egg around?What a stupid thing to do. I swear John still has a girlfriend. Sean is super cute with an adorable smile. I think we should see more of him. The guys got to play with some kids aswell. Pretty much all of them where playing around. It looked fun. Ryan told Emily that he would love her if she got fat, but wouldn't love upon her as I just really don't like him. He is such a tool. Afterwards they went out for a nice evening. She had a nice conversation with Sean. Doug has such a sad story, he seems so amazing.Tony is having a hard time being without his son. Doug has the sweetest conversation with him, and tells him to stay. However, Emily knows that he isn't for her and really should be with his son. So good-bye Tony! Sean got the rose on this date tonight. Her friends really had a huge impact. The others on date where Jef, Charlie, Allesandro, Alejandro, John, and Micheal. I don't think the Alejandro, Allesandro, or Micheal said anything at all.    
Arie gets the other one on one date. Which means Kalon and Nate didn't get a date this week. So they go to Dollywood. They have to write a love song, and then all of a sudden Dolly Parton come out. She sings to them and Emily pretty much is starstruck. The last song Dolly sang Emily started crying. It was really sweet.  He feels very sincere, and i think he has a great chance of making it to the end. I think they can grow together really well. It was really funny that she scared the heck out him, with the rose. At the end of this date, i felt the chills.   

The Rose Ceremony...oh boy was it interesting. She got talk to Kalon first. They keep talking over eachother and then he just has this arrogant comment to match is arrogant attitude. Travis gets Emily to get rid of the egg. Hopefully this was a good choice. The guys toast to the egg "Shelley". Allessandro finally gets to talk, and he screw it up. He sees being a father as a compromise. It really doesn't make sense. Anyways, so he gets sent home right away. She is super angry at him. She goes and talks to Arie and she seems to calm down. The other guys also see Arie and Emily kiss. Sean also helps her focus more aswell, and then they kiss. 
The Rose call out Order:
1-3.Chris and Arie have roses from the one on one dates, and Sean has a rose from the group dates.
6. Doug
ELIMINATED- Stevie.... It really didn't make any sense. There are a few assholes in the group that she could have gotten rid of and kept Stevie just to see if there was any kind of connection.

Anyways after this week, i'm really loving Arie, Sean, Doug and of course Jef. Can't wait till next week!!!


Friday, May 25, 2012

The Bachelorette Episode 2

Well, its episode number two, connections are starting to happen. I'm not really sure why i'm blogging about this show. Right now most of the guys are so annoying and there is way to many to keep track off. I'm just going to say a few things about the episode and be done with it. Ryan gets the first one on one date. It goes alright, he seems little awkward, but you can tell that Emily is starting to like him. I am starting not to like him. However, she gives him a rose.The second one on one is with Joe, and his date seems to be going well, but some things seem so forced. In the end, Emily doesn't give him a rose, and leaves confused and annoyed. 
The group date is a charity based muppet show. Its kind of cute, but Emily tries to act and it reminded me of why i don't like her. The star in this group date is Charlie. He has a lot of speaking on stage fright. He talsk to Emily and just seems so sweet about everything .It takes a real man to talk about something instead of just getting angry about it.
Here is the rose call out order/some more thoughts on the men
1.Ryan-One on One date rose- also reads Emily a letter that seems so akward and its long and hilarious.
2.Jef- He got a rose earlier for being so sweet and adorable, in my opinion.
3.Kalon- He really hasn't been thinking before he talks and is not getting along with anyone in the house.
4.Arie- There is something off about him, i just don't know.
5.Micheal- Capitol B-oring
7.Sean- He didn't get a group date, and i feel bad for him :(
8.Chris- Not memorable
9.Doug- I still really like him. I hope he gets a one on one soon.
10.Travis- hmm... who was he again?
11.Tony- He is still a little strange.
12.John- I do not like him, and i kind of find him arrogant.
13.Allessandro-Why is he still here?
14.Charlie- I think he is awesome. I really hope Emily gets to know him.
15.Allejandro- Did he even say one word?
16.Stevie-I'm glad he stayed he is kind of funny, however he should focus on Emily instead of his dislike of Kalon.
ELIMINATED- Kyle, Aaron...i don't even remember who they are now...


Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Bachelorette 2012

 I tend to prefer the Bachelorette over the Bachelor. It might be because of all the hot guys. This years bachelorette is miss Emily (haha Bentley). I didn't like her during Brads season.  I found her annoying and weak. However, despite, her forced smiles over her awkwardness at some points she isn't to bad to watch.
Anyways here are my first impressions on the eye candy:
1.Tony-He is a father, a liitle strange looking, and just a little someting weird about him.
2.Lerone-A black guy! wait, he might just be half black. He seems like a smooth talker, but a little boring.
3.David- A singer song writer...probably looking for a start. Uses some larger words which is impressive and annoying because they seem out of place.
4. Charlie- Seems really sweet, and was in a terrible accident some years ago :(
5.Jef- Adorable! Looks really young ,but just so cute.
6.Arie- Love the name, and his a racecar driver. uh oh!
7. Sean- I have no impression of
8. Doug- Lovely guy, has an 11 year old.
9.Jackson- boring, and tells Emily a boring love quote..ick.
10.Joe- just crazy. haha.
11.Kyle-  I kind of get a gay vibe from this guy.
12.Chris- Had these cute bobble heads for her. I liked him.
13.Aaron- A little strange.
14. Allesandro- Interesting looking...
15. Stevie- Well he is a good dancer.
16.Randy- sweet looking, but the whole Grandmas routine was silly.
17.Nate- he was super nervous. cute though.
18. Brent- 41? and six kids... umm..
19.John (Wolf)- kind of snobby looking.
20. Travis- Sweating tons, and had an
21.Micheal- Mr fabio..but not quite.
22.Jean Paul- I really don't have an opinion of him either..
23.Alejandro- Kind of cute, speaks beautiful spanish.
24.Ryan- I like his tie :P
25. Kalon- COmes in a helicopter.. yeah i hate him just like the rest of the house.
So my favourites are Charlie, Jef, Doug, and Chris.
Emily apparently agreed with some of my impressinos and ELIMINATED Smooth talker Lerone, wanna be artist David, odd Randy, and three other unmemorable guys Brent, Jean Paul and Jackson.
The first impressino rose was given to Doug, i think because he opened up about his son. I think it should be a good season.  Ican't wait till she narrows it down because some of these guys just shouldn't be there.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Big Brother Season 12 Recap!

I never really write about this show just because there is always so much going on. I do however really want to write a bit about the whole season as a whole. The big twist this season was the saboteur. It started out really great with the saboteur saying all these things to stir the house up. The only downfall was the house voted out the saboteur,Annie within the first week. I was really rooting for Annie stay, not only because she was the saboteur but because she was a lot less annoying then Rachel who was the other housemate on the block. The only good thing that happened in the first week was an alliance was made. The alliance consisted of Hayden, Matt, Lane and Enzo. They called themselves the Brigade. Any idiot could see those four were working together, however they all managed to get side alliances which help them out. The next other main thing that happened this season was the grossest, most vile person Rachel, managed to have a showmance with the ever so stupid Brendon. It was really sickening to watch. The house was against them from the very start, and thankfully all though they both managed to get on the jury they didn't make it to the end.
And then there was Matt. The wonderful, awesome Matt. I know many people disagree with me, but Matt almost played an awesome game. The first thing Matt did was create a fake story about his sick wife. She isn't really sick ,so that part kind of sucked. I think after he said it he might have regretted it, but its to late to go back now so he had to try and milk it. Matt got into a strong alliance, and then he started winning. He won two HOH's and was doing all the work for the brigade. Thats when the Brigade started turning. The spotlight was on Matt right away. Not only was Matt great in competitions but he was smart. During his second HOH he opened Pandora's box. He ended up receiving the Silver power of veto. He got to take whoever off the block and name the replacement nominee. He used it when Brendan was HOH and he had put Matt on the block. This was part of Matts downfall. That week the brigade had turned against him. They thought his side alliance with Ragan was to strong. However Matt didn't see it and instead of getting rid of a Brigade member he got rid of Kathy. Then he ended up throwing the next HOH because he thought the Brigade had his back. They didn't at all. Matt with his closest friend Ragan, even kind of messed up that relationship by trying to throw him under the bus. I want to believe that if it came down to Matt voting out a brigade member or Ragan he would have voted the idiot brigade right out of the house. I wish he could have seen what the brigade members were really all about. Even after all that i still love Matt and would love to see him on The Amazing Race!!! Him and Ragan! It would be awesome!!!!
Anyways, there were a couple of fights this season almost all of them had to do with Rachel. Her stupidity amazed me. There was a little showmance between Hayden and Kristen, but the brigade basically wanted to get rid of that. Lane and Britney would have had a showmance if Britney wasn't engaged. They were pretty cute together, and in the end Lanes loyalty lied with Britney, but he never got to show it. Ragan ended up being chosen by America to be the Saboteur a little later in the competition. He ended up completely his tasks and he got twenty thousand dollars. It never quite lived up to what it could have been though.
What i thought of the season as a whole was about a 6 out of 10. It started out promising with some good characters, but then ended up being so lame. The Brigade is a terrible alliance. The made it to the end but did they work hard and deserve to be there? No! Matt worked hard, and Lanes side alliance of Britney worked hard. Even Rachel worked harder then Enzo and Hayden. At least Lane had some strategy and wasn't all brigade, brigade brigade! People like Kristen, Kathy, Monet were useless, and Annie and Andrew might have been entertaining if we had gotten to see more of them. Brendan would have been pretty much nothing without Rachel and i pretty much put him in the useless boring category. Rachel as annoying as she was had some good moves and was a good competitor but had poor social game.Britney was a pleasure to watch once Monet was gone. Her diary room confessions were hilarious, and she was a great player. I wish she would have teamed up with Matt and Ragan and gotten rid of Hayden and Enzo.
The Jury house probably would have been more interesting to watch in the end, because the more interesting people were in there. Matt ended up telling his lie to them and they were furious! Kathy especially, and Rachel probably just wanted to put on a show. When Matt told Ragan it went better then i expected, but he was still quite mad. Other things that annoyed me about this season was the Have/have not competitions. Enzo lost a couple of those and he still would eat. Big Brother did shit all to stop him from eating. In past seasons people have been punished and Enzo just got away with it. A penalty nomination would have been a proper punishment.
The final three ended up being Lane, Hayden and Enzo. Did Enzo really deserve to make it there? No. How about Hayden? maybe. Lane? More then the other two. On Wednesday we find out who is going to make the final two and in the end win Big Brother. I'm hoping that Lane wins, but it really could go any way. Here's to hoping!!!


Thursday, September 09, 2010


This season is going to be very different from the other seasons. First off, there are going to be numerous important people in the fashion industry along the way. The winner, while getting the usual Cover Girl contract also is going to be signed with IMG models. The biggest change is the winner gets 2 spreads in Italian Vogue, and a cover of Beauty in Vogue. Yes, we are going high fashion this season .So no cookie cutter,girl next door models allowed!! Anyways the first episode is the Tyra, and the Jays picking the top 14. Its pretty boring. They narrow it down to 20 girls, an the get to do a photoshoot with dresses by Cynthia Rowley. After that the lucky 14 are chosen!
First impressions of the "high fashion" girls:
Ann-She seems way to green. And like millions of other people i think she is to tall and to skinny.
Ana Maria- She seems very smart ,and a little bitchy. She is quite different looking though.
Chelsey- Every time i saw her during the show she looked gorgeous. I'm really excited to see what she is going to bring.
Chris- Is the youngest sister to Terra and totally outshines her personality wise.
Esther-She is very young ,but i think she knows the industry and could do well.
Jane-She seems so boring, but her jaw line is incredible. Hopefully she can find all the right angles.
Kacey- I think she is really pretty, but she might cause some drama in the house.
Kayla-She is very stiff looking in the photos i have seen, but she seems very personable.
Kendal- I just don't like her.
Lexie- Seems sort of fun, but also kind of annoying. I don't really see "model".
Liz- She is gorgeous. I hope she does well, because she actually needs this.
Rhianna-She has a neat look, but she also seems like a rich bitch , who might get annoying.
Sara-I think she is going to be a very early boot. Pretty though..
Terra-The older sister, and the boring one. Possibly another early boot.
