Saturday, February 10, 2007


I was so extremely excited for the new season. I can never get enough of Survivor. This season there is so many more twists and turns. Anyways so we start to meet the new people as they are all getting off boats all onto the same camp. As soon as they are all off they start wondering what the heck is going on, and where the heck is Jeff.But soon, we see a helicopter with jeff in it dropping a big crate in the water. In the crate are blueprints, and maps to where wood and stuff is, so they can build a fantastic shelter.
Sylvia is an architect so she naturally starts to lead the group. The shelter turns out great, but everyone fears what lies ahead. The next day at the challenge Jeff picks out Sylvia, because everyone agrees she was the leader and she ends up havng to seperate te people and put them into tribes. Sylvia ends up having to go to exile island. The first challenge prize is huge. The winning tribe besides getting immunity, they also get to live on the island shelter they all built. The first challenge they have to race etc. The new tribe Moto ends up winning. Ravu is sent to a new camp with a pot and a machete.

Back at the Ravu camp, everyone starts to form litte alliances.Anyways, Jessica, Rocky, and Erica decide to vote for Rita, but the other tribemates have other plans, on voting out Jessica. The plan gets back to Rocky and Erica, and they agree not to vote for Jessica. In the end they don't, but she still ends up getting most of the votes.



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